Keep an eye on the mail, take out loans, look for deals and at the end of every month comes the best day... PAY DAY!
Key Features:
- You have to spend money to make money – PAY DAY sees you invest, borrow and spend your money in order to make your fortunes
- Countdown to PAY DAY as you face the highs and lows of the calendar month – watch out for DEAL cards and MAIL cards that may help or hinder you along the way
- Will you win the lottery? Overspend on groceries? Or win big at the Family Casino Night?
- With PAY DAY the action takes place on a calendar, just like real life, something happens every day!
- The classic game of money management is suitable for ages 8+ and 2-4 players
Additional Information:
European Article Number (EAN): 5036905022743
Product Item Code: 022743
Product Dimensions: 270mm x400mm x52mm
Suitable Age: 8+
Number of Players: 2+